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Gene Therapy Market To Witness A Significant Growth Rate In The Forecast Years from 2018-2026: Grand View Research Inc.

San Francisco, 25 February 2019: The Report GeneTherapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Indication (Cancer, Genetic Disorders, Infectious Diseases, CVD, Neuro Disorders), By Vector Type (Viral, Non-Viral), By Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2018 – 2026 The global gene therapy market size is expected to reach USD 39.54 million by 2026. Rising competition among manufacturers and high number of molecules in pipeline are supporting the growth of the market. Gene therapy development is aimed to cure rare diseases and even some hereditary diseases, which are caused by a mutated or faulty gene. Moreover, ever-increasing need for new cures for orphan diseases and rising incidence of cancer caused due to mutations in genes are likely to stir up the demand for gene therapy. As of early 2016, there were more than 1000 molecules in the pipeline in various clinical phases. However, around 76.0% of the molecules are in the developmental or preclinical stages and expecte