Market Dynamics and Forecast: Dietary Supplements Industry Outlook

 San Francisco, 27 May 2024: The Report Dietary Supplements Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Ingredient (Vitamins, Minerals, Probiotics), By Form (Capsules, Gummies, Liquids), By End User, By Application, By Type, By Distribution Channel, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 - 2030

The dietary supplements market is projected to reach 327.42 billion by 2030, at a lucrative CAGR of 9.1% from 2024 to 2030, according to a report from Grand View Research, Inc. As the focus on preventive health care intensifies and the elderly population grows, there is a noticeable surge in the interest in wellness and associated products. As consumers increasingly seek health-boosting nutrients, omega-3 supplements stand out for their role in preventing chronic diseases and supporting overall wellness. Omega-3 is considered a heart-healthy fat that reduces the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids, encompassing EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are vital nutrients known for their health advantages. Research indicates that DHA, in particular, plays an important role in brain development and can help improve memory and cognitive performance. This trend has resulted in an increased interest in Omega-3 supplements among older adults worried about cognitive health and parents seeking to enhance their children’s brain growth. Due to these factors, the market for omega-3 fatty acids-based dietary supplements is anticipated to show an upward growth curve.

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Market Outlook

The market outlook for Omega-3 fatty acids in the dietary supplements sector is highly promising, driven by increasing consumer awareness of their health benefits, which include cardiovascular support, anti-inflammatory properties, and cognitive function enhancement. As health-conscious lifestyles gain popularity, demand for Omega-3 supplements, particularly those derived from sustainable and high-quality sources like krill oil and algae, is on the rise.

Moreover, the increasing scientific research supporting the efficacy of Omega-3s in preventing chronic diseases is further bolstering consumer confidence and driving market growth. The expansion of e-commerce platforms and health-focused retail chains has enhanced its accessibility, contributing to increased sales. Overall, with ongoing innovation in product formulations and delivery methods, the market for dietary supplements comprising Omega-3 fatty acids is set to experience robust growth in the coming years, fulfilling the needs of a health-conscious and informed consumer base.

Market Opportunities

Sustainable and Plant-Based Sources: As environmental and sustainability concerns grow, there is a significant opportunity to develop and market Omega-3 supplements derived from plant-based sources such as algae. Environmentally conscious consumers and those following vegetarian or vegan diets are likely to prefer these products, which can help in expanding its market reach and differentiating brands in a competitive landscape.

Targeted Health Solutions: There is a growing demand for Omega-3 supplements tailored to specific health needs, such as heart health, cognitive function, and joint support. By developing specialized formulations and marketing them to distinct consumer segments, companies can more effectively address targeted health concerns, thereby capturing niche markets and enhancing product appeal.

Role of Key Players

The key market players in the dietary supplements industry include Amway Corp, Abbott, Bayer AG, Glanbia Plc, etc. These companies are also at the forefront of sustainable sourcing, developing advanced techniques to harvest omega-3s from algae and other eco-friendly sources, thereby appealing to environmentally conscious consumers. Major companies, by collaborating with healthcare professionals and conducting educational campaigns, effectively position omega-3 supplements as essential components of a healthy lifestyle. In March 2023, Amway’s latest Nutrilite Omega and Advanced Omega, which provides omega-3s from fish oil that is sustainably harvested, secured the global Friend of the Sea certification for nutraceuticals.

List of Key Players in Dietary Supplements Market

  • Amway Corp.
  • Abbott
  • Bayer AG
  • Glanbia plc
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Archer Daniels Midland
  • GlaxoSmithKline plc.
  • Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.
  • Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
  • XanGo, LLC
  • RBK Nutraceuticals Pty Ltd
  • American Health
  • DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
  • Good Health New Zealand
  • Nature's Bounty
  • NOW Foods


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